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Non-Negotiable (2022)

In a small restaurant sits a couple, Kat (Jill Winternitz) and Jay (Samuel Anderson), and they are waiting for their nine-year-old daughter Deb (Izabella Dziewanska). The couple has a baby on the way, and Deb is not too thrilled with this announcement–leading her to create a list of Non-Negotiable things that must be completed if she is to stick around. As the three discuss their terms Deb will continuously flex her mental muscle, proving that she’s a force to be reckoned with.

Established very quickly as a comedy, Non-Negotiable juxtaposes its primary tone (humourous and light-hearted) with intensity and passion in the opening seconds. Winternitz and Anderson create juxtaposing tones that invite viewers into the film and allow viewers to understand that while comedy will be the primary vehicle by which the story is told–the topic at hand is quite serious. The premise of Non-Negotiable is a tad silly, but creating intensity and mirroring some of the realities of the world in which we live allows viewers to better appreciate the film as a whole. Writer-Director Mike Doxford does a wonderful job of mixing reality and fiction to create an immersive and fun film.

It would be unfair not to mention the fact that Dziewanska is absolutely brilliant, that her talent far exceeds the majority of young actors in Hollywood. Deb’s vocabulary, her ability to articulate her expectations, and her vigor are things that make characters attractive to the masses–but the reality is that Dziewanska has to bring this character to life by portraying this powerful young girl, by learning incredibly difficult lines, and acting across from two other wonderfully talented individuals. Non-Negotiable effectively rests on her shoulders–and her prowess allows the film to flourish.

What I think the majority of Non-Negotiable’s success boils down to is the writing of Doxford. Everything that comes to be stems from what he put down on a page, what he was able to present to his team (specifically his actors). That’s not saying that the brilliant performances aren’t a reflection of the actors’ talent, because that couldn’t be further from the truth, but Doxford is the backbone of the film from the start. His ability to make every character likable and relatable is impressive, something that even some of the best writers struggle to accomplish–but not Doxford. Non-Negotiable starts with the writing and directing, and with Doxford in charge it’s no surprise that Dziewanska and the others thrive throughout.

In just a few short minutes three characters are fully developed. We understand their personalities in full, we understand their goals, what makes them tick, and their idiosyncrasies. These things don’t happen by accident–they happen because a brilliant mind constructed them this way, and then equally-talented actors are able to execute a vision. Non-Negotiable is a perfectly balanced film that combines intensity and comedy, reality and fiction, and acting, writing, and directing in a way that sees each and every second of it appeal to viewers. There are intentionally frustrating aspects of the film that allow this to happen, that allow the comedy to shine brightly, and with Doxford crafting them and actors like Dziewanska bringing them to life, there’s no way this film fails.

Written & Directed by Mike Doxford.

Starring Samuel Anderson, Izabella Dziewanska, & Jill Winternitz.



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